The Body of Christ

Reflections on church, ecclesiology, economics, church history, tradition, worship, and the ways in which the body of Christ is called to be a new political entity on the earth.

Tradition and History
Which Batman Villain would Protestants be?
Rethinking our relationship to tradition.

Reclaiming church history

You Damned Kids and your Organ Music!
The context church history can give us.

A Mnemonic Alternative for July 4th

Wealth, Economics and Empire

Community and being Church
God have mercy on us if we are remembered
Rejecting the gospel of church success

Don't think for yourself

I didn't get baptized because Jesus told me to
Baptism and the new community

Why church politics became important to me
Taking the church seriously as an alternative political body

Developing a free market ecclesiology

Why we avoid your churches: 'God please sit quietly in the back!'

Why aren't they worried about us?

I helped save the world and all I got was this lousy t-shirt

You ain't got Sol

Why I love litter

40 Days with wild beasts: a Lenten journey

When Babylon falls the wild goats dance